Reflections on the Green Home Tour and Living Future unConference — Living Shelter Architects

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Reflections on the Green Home Tour and Living Future unConference

Living Shelter Architects participated in both, the Living Future unConference and the  Northwest Green Home Tour, this year and have previously done so in the past. Sitting down with our Founder and Principal Architect Terry Phelan, we took time to reflect on her experiences this year with both events. 

What was the difference (if any) between the experience of last years’ Green Home Tour and this years’? 

Our experience this year was quite different. Last year we had three different projects on the tour and they each saw over 100 visitors. This year we just had one project that only had about 20 visitors. 

What was exciting about the Rainier View Homes being on the Green Home Tour? 

It was great to show the first permitted cottage project in King County to the public and create interest in community based design. We are so proud of this project and we look forward to doing more of this type. I just wish more people had known about it and our involvement!

Why were you looking forward to the Living Future unConference? 

This is always an inspirational gathering and an opportunity to see some colleagues that I don’t often cross paths with. A bonus was meeting two other CVG partners there this year and finding so much in common with them. It was great to connect about business matters as well as the latest in deep green practices that we were all interested in. 

What was a memorable experience of the opening night reception/party? 

The memorial for Patti Southard, who was such a change maker for green building in our area. And finding two new products that I’m excited about - Teknoflor organic sheet flooring and salvaged wood paneling from Sustainable Northwest Wood.

Do you have any takeaways from your experience with the unConference?

It’s hard to go only to the opening and not the entire conference. This is the first time I’ve limited my participation to just the first night, and it left me wanting more. 

Living Shelter Architects supports both the mission of the Living Future unConference and of the  Northwest Green Home Tour. Both are special gatherings for the green building community. We are all on a mission to preserve the natural world to support our children’s children and other living beings, using building and climate science as our guide. Events such as these, allow a space for all of us to meet face-to-face and find inspiration and communion with one another. 

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