Seasons Greetings and Reflections


Writing this as we near the end of what has been a very unusual year, we are moved to reflect and attempt to process all that’s occurred, what lessons were learned, and what we dare hope for in the new year. One word comes to mind – Resilience. Why?

Resilience means despite all the unexpected, unprecedented and constant flux of this past year, we are still here, moving forward with projects and plans for the future. We began 2020 thinking it to be the year of clarity of vision. Of course, we were all taken by surprise by the waves of uncertainty that happened. However, in reflection, we realize that while the vision shifted we kept returning to a place of clarity. 

We learned to appreciate the wisdom of staying grounded and to engage in daily practices to balance the inner and outer realms of our lives. In doing this, the importance of connection and being true to what each of us finds dear became crystal clear. We were also reminded what a beautiful region we live in, and how being in nature in any weather can be a homecoming. 

Despite all of the ups and downs, Living Shelter Architects has been fortunate in having good work most of the year. Being flexible was a key element in our success. 

Our entire team was already set up for working from home once a week with cloud-based file sharing; we simply had to switch from once a week to full time. We quickly adapted to online meetings and are learning to use new tools to make collaborating remotely more fruitful. Terry continued to work in the office, and when appropriate Juanita came in once a week to help digitize the older files toward the goal of being paper-free. Interestingly, we found that team communication improved as we made check-ins a scheduled priority.

Looking back at 2020, there are many moments for which we are thankful. We are most grateful for the amazing people in our lives, including you. We saw family, friends, and neighbors all stepping in to support each other as needs arose. That is a sign of resilience, too. These people and the place in which we are fortunate to live helped us all to be present in the face of constant change and will carry us through another year. We look forward to seeing you there. 

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season.